Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving is here. Thank tomatoes. I was getting tired of going to school every day. I cannot wait to go to college!

Thanksgiving is by far one of the best holidays of the year, there's food and movies and grandparent's houses and family and just a generally good feeling surrounding it. Also, there's my favorite holiday of the year, Black Friday. I love Black Friday, I love the advertisements, the anticipation, the shopping. Clothes are cuter on Black Friday, jeans fit better, you can always buy the right pair of shoes. And then, when school goes back into session, you have a whole new wardrobe to flash around.

Since my return from the Czech Republic, I have lost weight. This means that I can actually buy jeans that fit me     properly now, since the ones I have from the beginning of my return no longer fit me. They're a little loose in the waist (hallelujah!)

This makes me seem a little shallow, enjoying a "holiday" that is primarily about spending money on material things, but I still enjoy it. It's shallow and base and materialistic and I love every second of it.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, may you turkeys be moist and your stuffing abundant!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

This is a new blog, a little different from the one I had for foreign exchange. It's more of an after-effect, look at how grown up I am version of my original blog. I officially have made it back into high school (whoop de doo) and now am struggling through four core classes (the fun never ends).

I desperately miss Europe and the Czech Republic and would much prefer to be there drinking beer and talking to my friends than trapped as a senior in the classic high school situation.

I have a boyfriend, whom I adore. I have friends, whom I also adore. I am submitting college applications this Monday.

I have post exchange emotional issues now. Before I went to Europe, I had never been depressed. I wandered around my tiny life perfectly satisfied to be perky and optimistic at all times. The boy I have a crush on doesn't like me back? Gee, guess I'll have to find someone else! My grades aren't high enough to meet my mother's standards? Aw shucks, I'll study harder then!

Being extremely naive did afford me some advantages, I had a lot of friends, and I had fun, but exchange changed me a lot. I can't say if all those changes are positive, I am certainly more aware of how unhappy I had subconsciously been for most of my childhood. I wish that there was some way for me to be ok all the time, like I was before I left, but for some reason, I just can't handle that anymore.

Not to say that I'm not happy now, I have plenty of things to be happy about. I like my life here, I love my parents (despite the irrational and unfair pressure my mother puts on me to attain perfection, oh the cliches), and I love my friends. I know that I want to go to college, and I know that I will go to college. I know that everything will be ok, so now I just have to convince everyone else.